Determination of dynamic parameters in sedimentary deposits, using geophysical methods in Ocaña Norte de Santander

Determinación de los parámetros dinámicos en depósitos sedimentarios de Ocaña Norte de Santander, mediante métodos geofísicos

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Ciro Andrey Martínez-Ovallos
Romel Jesús Gallardo-Amaya
Nelson Afanador-García

The dynamic properties determine the elastic behavior of soils, and their calculation is of interest in the study of the soil-structure interaction. In the city of Ocaña, the value of these properties is unknown, so a set of geophysical tests were developed for the measurement of primary waves, and subsequent calculation of the properties that would allow a better dynamic analysis of the soil. Initially, the sites were selected to carry out the Seismic Refraction and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves tests. Subsequently, the processing stage was started with the SeisImager / 2D and SeisImager / SW2D software, to determine the value of the P and S wave velocity. Through formulas of the theory of elasticity, the dynamic properties of the soil were determined, and finally a Statistical analysis of the results. It was possible to determine that most of the city of Ocaña is made up of a geological formation of sedimentary origin, composed of sandy-clayey and clayey-silty materials of high plasticity. The average values, in these materials, for the modulus of rigidity is between 135.98 MPa and 242.19 MPa, a modulus of elasticity between 709.51 MPa and 364.71 MPa, and a Poisson's ratio between 0.393 and 0.467.



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