Interconnectivity of educational institutions through the use of TIC'S

Interconectividad de las instituciones educativas con el uso de las TIC'S

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Torcoroma Velásquez-Pérez
Yegny Karina Amaya-Torrado
Pedro Elías Villegas-Moreno


The investigation group (GITYD) Teleinformática and development of Software of the plan of studies of Engineering of Systems of the University Francisco of Paula Santander Ocaña, in execution of the acquired commitments with the community, with the purpose  of offering a computer platform that facilitates the uses of the necessities of infrastructure  development bases for the consolidation of technological competitions, he/she has  in  development  the project "INTERCONECTIVIDAD OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS WITH THE USE OF THE TICS", carried out thinking of speeding up processes and procedures and the access to the use of too Is mediáticas of information and communication, for the development with quality of +he formative processes in each one of the teaching leve Is that offers the educational institution.

The project is directed to assist the systematizing necessities and interconnection of the schools of the city of Ocaña, in its first phase, and with the projection of extending the attention to the educational institutions of the County and the other municipalities of the influence orea, with the benefit of services, such as: Development of Systems of Academic lnformation, development of pages Web and access to Internet, with the complement of training processes and storage of information.

To fulfill this project, the educational ones and students of the Abilities of Engineering hove been linked, Administrative and Economic Sciences, the Center of lnvestigation for the Development of Systems of Learning - CID - and the Division of Systems, with the support of the Academic and the Address of the university. lt is important, also, to highlight that in the execution process it is

required the active participation of the institutions educational beneficiaries of the project and the resolved support of the territorial entities, the Secretary of Departmental Education and the Ministry of National Education.





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Decretos 1526 de Julio 24 de 2002 establecido por el Ministerio de Educación para la realización de las matriculas, Decreto 230 de febrero 11 de 2002 basado en el uso de competencias y dificultades, Decreto 2216 de agosto 8 de 2003 Por el cual se establecen los requisitos para la redefinición y el cambio de carácter académico de las instituciones técnicas profesionales y tecnológicas, públicas y privadas y se dictan otras disposiciones. [Descargado]

Ley 749 de Julio 19 de 2002, Por la cual se organiza el servicio público de la educación superior en las modalidades de formación técnica profesional y tecnológica, y se dictan otras disposiciones. [Descargado] 621/propertyvalue-31214.html

Políticas de tecnología de información y comunicación en Colombia. Noviembre 15 de 2.006 .. [Descargado] conds[O][category........)='Políticas %20 Regionales'

Resolución 2773 de Noviembre 13 de 2003, Por la cual se definen las características específicas de calidad para los programas de formación profesional de pregrado en Ingeniería. [Descargado]

Velásquez, T. & Amaya, Y. (2006) Propuesta lnterconectividad Instituciones Educativas (En impresión).

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