Important factors in software project development

Factores importantes en el desarrollo de un proyecto de software

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Sandra Milena Pérez-Durán

Tothis article, isto showthe importance that has usethe project management in the development of software so much in the aspect of the conformation of equipments(teams), for taking a successful execution of the project; since(as,like) inthedifferent processes that can exist in the same one, facilitating the detection of possible mistakes in the production(elaboration) and advices(councils) to anticipate(prepare) them managing an index of high quality of the product to present.

There is importantto haveclearlythe modelwho will bechosen for the development of a process of software, since from this one, there decide the stages in which the equipment(team) of work will distribute the pertinent tasks to expire with the aims(lenses), the tools and methods that this one will have to use for the product development and the methodologies used to obtain the awaited results.



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Bruegge, Bernard y dutoit, Allen. Ingeniería de software orientado a objetos

Pressman, Roger. Ingeniería de software un enfoque práctico (5 ed). Prentice Hall, México, 2001.

Bennet, Simon; McRobb, Steve y Farmer, Ray. Análisis y diseño orientado a objetos de sistemas, (3 ed). (2006)

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