Slope stability in road corridors

Estabilidad de taludes en corredores viales

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Romel Jesús Gallardo-Amaya

In the construction and maintenance of roads, is that users pass through them with the highest leve! of security possible. Accordingly, an aspect that is important is the degree of stability that have different slopes of the track and is based on this aspect is addressed the problem presented by one of these on the road that connects the towns of Samoré (North Santander) and Cubara (Boyacá); road sector that corresponds to the axis of communication Cúcuta - Arauca. The problems presented by the slope in the past is framed largely in detached blocks of rock which caused blockage of the track, generating a hazard to users and disruption Cubugón riverbed. This instability led to a high risk of accidents to persons and affected trade.This project aimed to identify the triggers and factors that directly influenced the stability of the ground, so this will raise and implement alternative solutions to short and long term, which led to decrease the leve! of risk to users.



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