A look at the tertiary sector as a driver of regional development
Una mirada al sector terciario como dinamizador del desarrollo regional
Main Article Content
This paper presents the main findings of a study descriptive performed in Ocaña, Colombia, te companies in the services sector, by means ol surveys applied to middle managers, whose goa was to determine the characterize this sector according with the existence, accounting anc financia! management analysis, complementec with inquires about management practices typica from these companies, to determine the mos1 relevant factors that enable successful strategies.
The main finding shows that is common for thE companies to present very informal managemenl practices. The Planning Function is virtually non· existent, therefore, enterprises don't have clear anc accurate guidelines to empower themselves ir the short, medium and long term. To recruitmenl process is not based on candidates qualification but instead, on personal recommendations. TherE is a serious lack of previous job analysis to definE the right profiles for the applicants. Staff inductior is not a common practice, and there is no concerr in evaluating staff performance. In addition, ¡1 was observed that mostly micro-enterprises de not meet the accounting and financia! standarc processes for recording, analyzing, managing anc interpreting the information arising from the darl) operations.
Article Details
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