Construction and assembly of an electronic ultrasonic scarer for fruit bats

Construcción y montaje de un ahuyentador electrónico ultrasónico para murciélagos frugivoros

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Alexander Armesto-Arenas
Sauly Arévalo-Jaime

The  implementation  of  the  project  resulted  in a satisfactory way to isolate the fruit bats in the affected areas of the University Francisco de Paula Santander.This is made possible, in a period offive weeks and with the help of technical studies and literature reviews.The electronic repeller ultrasonic, ultrasonic drive frequencies between 34 kHz to 62 kHz, with an adjustable sweep time and amplitude level (volume), also  adjusted to the area to be covered.

The circuit is fed into electricity  grids  between 90 and 240 volts with fixed rules, eliminating the concern about rising or falling voltage. Together you add a visual (LEO) to monitor activity and a test button to check the intensity of an audible and operation of repelling. Thus, this electronic device was used or put to work in the arrival times of the respective mammal affected areas, between 5:00 pm and 6: OOam. The sharing of location was as follows: three at  the offices of teachers and two administrative facilities. By monitoring for seven days after installation, it was observed that ultrasonic affect on bats, became so successful, noting that in ali areas affected animals achievement not return, noting favorably that the repeller ultrasonic no lethal effect on the species, or on its outskirts. Noting the characteristics of this result on mammals to drive away, it was concluded that the effects do not occur directly, or immediate, the exercise of scaring occurs gradually, slowly away until you feel completely uncomfortable by such noise. For the record the good work of this type of device, we must bear in mind that its use should be continuous, without interruption, so that itcan not facilitate the return of this flying mammal.



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Grupo de 1nvest1gación de Fauna Australis de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Rodrigo Gámez lobo-Presidente del INBio- Publicaciones sobre temas de biodiversidad. MURCIELAGOS Y ULTRASONIDOS.

Disponible en: http:/élagos y ultrasonidos -lunes, 23 de marzode2009

Barbastella: el Mundo de los Murciélagos-Lista de los murciélagos del mundo. Disponible en: _mundo;1ista_rnurcielagos_rra1ndo_indicehtm

Los Murciélagos Ecología e Historia Natural Mana Teresa Fernández, Investigadora ACG. Programa Regional en Manejo de Vida Silvestre. Universidad Nacional. Heredia, CR Disponible en: httpJ/www.acguanacas /v4n 1/textos/ murcielagos.html.

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Principios físicos básicos del ultrasonido, Angélica Vargas,* Luís M Amescua­ Guerra, *Me. Araceli Bemal, *Carlos Pineda- Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez. Disponible en:

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Los Murciélagos Ecología e Historia Natural. María Teresa Fernández. Investigadora ACG. Programa Regional en manejo de Vida Silvestre. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, CR. Disponible en: r/rothschildia/v4nl /textos/ murcielagos.html

Guía Práctica de Circuitos Eléctricos-Productos electr6nicos- JohnMarkus McGraw Hill, ULTRASONIDO-Ricardo Echavarna.- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL COMAHUE Facultad de ingenierías laboratorio de Ensayos no Destructivos. Ondas de ultrasonido "Óptica física" con ultrasonido Análisis de Fourier

OJS System - Metabiblioteca |