Implementation of the development and growth module for the Santander Ocaña battalion

Implementación del módulo de desarrollo y crecimiento para el batallón Santander Ocaña

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Edwin Barrientos-Avendaño
Mayerly García-García

The Battalion of lnfantry No. 15 General Santander has a great number of offices which manage a without numberofinformation at local and national leve!, it is for it that should stay interconnected to give execution with the proposed activities and likewise to stay informed of the externa! activities and you intern that are presented, reason why you outlines the connection of the Establishment of Military Sanity the one which not yet counts with its net. In the installation of the one wired structured you will proceed to connect it with the dependences and this way to be connected to the national net of the army for this way interaction nationally and to fulfill the established necessities inside the Battalion.

Of equal it is formed it finds the development area and growth in which data of great importance are manipulated about the growth of the children that you/they·make part of the battalion making of this non sure information for their handling in paper leaves, it is for it that you outlines the implementation of the 1 modulate of development and growth in which solution is given to all the necessities that are managed in him and this way to maintain reliability and security in their data by means of the advance of the technology.



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