Storydoing in the emotions of young university students during the process of learning calculus in engineering

Cuentos sobre las emociones de jóvenes universitarios durante el proceso de aprendizaje del cálculo en ingeniería

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Mawency Vergel-Ortega
Carlos Sebastián Gómez-Vergel
Jesús Francisco Caravalho-Casanova

The study of emotions using storydoing, constituted as the main factor in the learning of calculus in engineering, constitutes the main objective of the research, executed under the qualitative approach and the phenomenological method in order to deepen in the answers expressed by the adolescents of an educational institution. The article, based on a quantitative study, analyzes how the process of learning calculus takes place in the emotional, thought and feeling responses from the perspective of the students, who are directly benefited or affected by this situation. The sample consists of 111 university students from the first to the fourth semester. Emerging conceptual categories were friendship, role, learning innovation, emotion, feeling, environment, family support. Emerging paradigms were synchronic behaviour, inter-agent epistemology, self-organizing dynamics, abstract symbolic representation



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