Spelling and grammar pathologies of external advertising in the commercial area of the county of San Jose de Cucuta

Patologías ortográficas de la publicidad exterior en la zona comercial del municipio de San José de Cúcuta

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Liana Carolina Ovalles Pabón

It is common to find ads Cucuta misspelled which blur the advertising function of the exposed graphic pieces. Recent studieshave spelling errors in advertising as an educational alternative for the formation of graphic designers, but there is still no data that might address the problem from Cucuta as a border city and commercial hub. The main purpose of this investigation is based in recognizing the spelling and grammar criteria used by businesses and consumers in exterior visual advertising present today all over the center of the city here in Cucuta. We analyzed all the different spelling and grammar mistakes present today here in Cucuta and made a comparative analysis using the current normativity and the opinion of the bystanders who make daily use of the products marketed was taken into account. Methods: As a first step in the method used the normativity was analyzed like a hidden aspect or something that was socialized very little and that only pertains to a reduced sector of the advertising professional field. Result: It turns out that there is no norm or regulation that controls advertising in the streets of Cucuta, which invites the academy to establish studies that will begin the development of this project and that in agreement with the productive sector will permit a better performance of the profession and a balanced projection of the labor mean in regards to the social and environmental issues. It is determined that within the process of commercialization the most important thing is the product or service and the criteria used and that sometimes spelling and grammar are not taken into account in advertising or even more it is thought that the misuse of spelling and grammar is a gimmick strategy used to attract consumers.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Liana Carolina Ovalles Pabón, Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte FESC




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