The motivations and inconveniences on the road to female leadership in the Mexican educational system
Las motivaciones y los inconvenientes en el camino hacia un liderazgo femenino en el sistema educativo mexicano
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Achieving a position in the top management of an educational institution in the Mexican context is not easy for women. In Mexico it is not common or it is simply not customary to observe that female personnel hold a managerial position. The small number of female leaders currently in office has not had the easy path, since they have faced various circumstances before and during their administration. The objective of the study is to know the opinion of 50 women who occupy an area, department or headquarter, in the private teaching sphere of the municipality of Pachuca, Hidalgo, based on the main motivations and inconveniences that they faced in their workplace. The instrument Moncayo and Zuluanga (2014) was used and the main findings indicate that the opportunities are not the same and that there are wage differences between female and male staff who occupy the same position.
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