Instrument design and facial and content validation "role of the family caregiver in the administration of medication".
Diseño, validación facial y de contenido del instrumento “rol del cuidador familiar en administración de medicamentos”.
Main Article Content
Objective: To design an instrument to measure the adoption of the role of the family caregiver in the administration of medications in people with chronic disease and to establish both its content and facial validity. Method: Methodological study that included three phases: design of the instrument, determination of content validity with 9 experts and determination of facial validity through cognitive interviews with 14 caregivers and judgments of 30 caregivers of adults with chronic diseases. Results: a questionnaire made up of 32 items distributed in 3 dimensions called tasks, organization and response to the role was obtained. The instrument presented adequate content validity since all the items exceeded the minimum CVI of 0.58, while for the total scale it was 0.97. For its part, facial validity showed that clarity was 99.6%, comprehension was 98.4%, and precision was 96.9%. Conclusion: the instrument Adoption of the role in drug administration logically measures the construct and the items that comprise it adequately represent its domains.
Article Details
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Funding data
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Grant numbers 41048