Limited liability companies and sole proprietorships in Ocaña: a characterization

Sociedades limitadas y empresas unipersonales de Ocaña: una caracterización

Main Article Content

José Gregorio Arévalo-Ascanio

The  present  document  is  part  of  a  broadE investigation  titled  "  Characterization  of  th· economic managerial activity of Ocaña's city carriedout bytheauthorofthe present presentatio1 and directed to supporting the development e new productive activities in Ocaña city.

The aim of the study is, of a part, characterize th1 economic activity of the Limited Companies anc Self-employed person of the city, 1 order to identi his managerial structure, bearing aspects in mine as, the economic activity,  branches,  locatior the size, juridical, financia! situation, generatec employment, exporting vocation, among othe aspects. Of the same way to determine the curren conditions that frame the areas of productior marketing, book-keeper, financier and humar talent of this kind of companies. And from therE to define the aspects on which the locality mus undertake actions in short and medium term.

Especially, the obtained results allow establishin the managerial weaknesses, in order to desigr spacesof managerial formation, tooffer a possibilit) to the businessmen of acquiring manageria knowledge focused towards successful practices o management.



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