Bibliometric analysis of current trends in regulations used in oil storage tanks

Análisis bibliométrico sobre las tendencias actuales de la normativa utilizada en tanques de almacenamiento de petróleo

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Einer Duvan Quintero-Duran
Jhan Carlos Bayona-Gómez
Mario Alberto Grave-Capistran
Luis Alfonso Moreno-Pacheco
José Martínez-Trinidad
Ricardo Andrés García-León

Petroleum, a natural resource formed from the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years, is widely used as fuel in vehicles, heating units, and plastic production. Its extraction and processing serve as key drivers of the global economy and geopolitics, as it serves as a raw material for a variety of products, from plastics to fuels and fertilizers. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview of the historical evolution of petroleum storage tanks and the norms of the American Petroleum Institute (API), using bibliometric analysis of high-impact sources from the Scopus database, with the purpose of identifying trends in authors, countries, journals, institutions, and collaborative networks. The results showed an annual growth rate of 1.07% from 1972 to 2022 in the thematic area concerning API standards and petroleum storage tanks primarily. The articles were authored by approximately 316 individuals, predominantly from the United States, Iran, China, Turkey, and Canada, which accounted for 58% of the total analyzed publications (159). Additionally, it was evidenced that the most relevant author is Guzey S, who utilized a large number of keywords associated with their research published in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division journal.



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