Web service for the geolocation of the public transport vehicles in the city of Cúcuta

Servicio web para la geolocalización de los vehículos de transporte público en la ciudad de Cúcuta

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Jhon Alejandro Castro Correa
Sergio Basilio Sepúlveda Mora
Byron Medina Delgado
Dinael Guevara Ibarra

In the city of Cucuta, the main way of transportation for the mobilization of people between two points is the traditional bus;
currently, this service does not offer to users the possibility of knowing precisely the route and the itinerary of the buses that pass
through it. This work is aimed to design and implement a web service that allows visualizing in real time the routes and public
transport vehicles that circulate in the city of Cucuta. The geolocation of the buses was done through a GPS module that provides
the positioning of the vehicles using the NMEA 0183 protocol; the information is stored on a server to be sent (using PHP) and
viewed later. The user interface was developed as a functional website with adaptable design for computers, tablets, and cellphones
using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Depending on the chosen route, a request is made to the server to obtain the
corresponding data which is later displayed on a map using the Google Maps API. The web service allows to visualize the routes
and the position of the vehicles in real time with several variables of interest such as the state of movement, speed, course, and
time of arrival at each of the pre-established stops on the route; also, within the web portal is possible to generate historical
records regarding the location and route of each bus, which are visualized through tables and graphs generated by the user.

Keywords: Geolocation,GPS,Web Service,Web server,Public transportation


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