Mathematical model of the aquatic phase in the population growth dynamics of Aedes Aegypti contaminated with Wolbachia

Modelo matemático de la fase acuática en la dinámica de crecimiento de la población de Aedes Aegypti contaminada con Wolbachia

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Jessica Marcela-Montoya
Mawency Vergel-Ortega

Dengue is an infectious disease of global public health significance and is a leading cause of death. A study focusing on the aquatic phase (egg, larva and pupa) of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, with and without Wolbachia, is being conducted. A mathematical model is formulated, the results suggest that the intrinsic ovoposition rate is the parameter that most affects the non-trivial equilibrium solution. As a conclusion, it is suggested that, under certain conditions, the reproduction of Wolbachia-contaminated mosquitoes in the aquatic phase is small compared to the reproduction of wild mosquitoes, which could affect the success of the control strategy.



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Article Details

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