Survey characterization care dyad family caregiver – a person with a chronic disease

Encuesta de caracterización del cuidado de la diada cuidadorfamiliar - persona con enfermedad crónica

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Lorena Chaparro-Diaz
Beatriz Sánchez
Gloria Mabel Carrillo-Gonzalez

Objective: To develop and validate the characterization survey for the care of a person with chronic disease dyad - family caregiver in the Latin American context. Materials and Methods: descriptive study focused to identify the basic information needs for caring of a dyad through the development and validation of a survey called survey characterization care of the person with a family chronic disease dyad caregiver. Results: The survey characterization care of a person with chronic disease dyad - family caregiver contains 42 items and three dimensions that evaluate the conditions and socio-demographic profile of the dyad, the perception of load and support and information and communication media. Conclusions: The survey developed and validated has necessary features for characterizing a person with chronic disease dyad variables - family caregiver in the Latin American context.

KEYWORDS: test validity, health rankings, caregivers, chronic disease, psychometrics.




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Author Biographies (SEE)

Lorena Chaparro-Diaz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Enfermera.  Profesora Asociada

Beatriz Sánchez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Enfermera. Profesora Titular

Gloria Mabel Carrillo-Gonzalez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Enfermera.  Profesora Asociada

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