Epidemiological behavior and prevalence of malnutrition in children under 5 years of age in Colombia during the years 2016 to 2019.

Comportamiento epidemiológico de la desnutrición en menores de 5 años, Colombia 2016-2019

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Jhully Constanza Herrera-Tarapues
Alejandra Mendoza-Ortiz
Benigno Mendoza-Ortiz

Objective: Analyze the epidemiological behavior and prevalence of acute malnutrition in children under 5 years of age in Colombia during the years 2016 to 2019. Materials and methods: Retrospective quantitative - descriptive study; The population and analysis sample of this study is made up of 53,434 reports consolidated in the Integrated Information System of social protection SISPRO of children under 5 years of age with acute malnutrition in Colombia available these from the years 2016 to 2019. Results: In 2016 there is a mortality rate due to malnutrition of 0.08 cases per 10,000 inhabitants in contrast to 2019 where this rate increased to 0.42; In 2016 there is a morbidity rate for acute malnutrition of 22.4 cases per 10,000 inhabitants in contrast to 2019 where this rate increased to 40.5. The years of life lost due to premature mortality ranged from 1,162 in 2016 to 6,411 in 2019 and the years lived with disability ranged from 588 to 2016 to 2,257 to 2019; disability-adjusted life years ranged from 2,402 in 2016 to 8,668 in 2019. Conclusions: It is necessary to strengthen the interventions from social policies focused on the social determinants in health aimed at child health and comprehensive nutrition, including aspects such as maternal and child dietary intake, improve the economic situation of the home, improve the educational level of the mother and balance the distribution of resources between different regions.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Monica Paola Quemba-Mesa, Universidad de Boyacá. Tunja, Colombia.

Enfermera, Especialista en Epidemiología Clínica. Magíster en Enfermería y Candidata a Doctora en Bioética. Docente Universidad de Boyacá. Tunja, Boyacá – Colombia. Correo: mpquemba@uniboyaca.edu.co. Orcid: 0000-0001-5646-6123, Tunja – Colombia.

Jhully Constanza Herrera-Tarapues, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Norte E.S.E. Bogotá, Colombia

Médico y cirujano general, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Norte E.S.E, jhulycohe@hotmail.com, Orcid: 0000-0003-1152-6203, Bogotá – Colombia

Alejandra Mendoza-Ortiz, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Norte E.S.E. Bogotá, Colombia

Médico y Cirujano General, candidata a Magister en Epidemiología, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Norte E.S.E, alejamendoza98@hotmail.com, Orcid: 0000-0001-5162-0777, Bogotá – Colombia

Benigno Mendoza-Ortiz, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Norte E.S.E. Bogotá, Colombia

Médico y Cirujano General, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Norte E.S.E, benignomo@hotmail.com, Orcid: 0000-0002-3483-7023, Bogotá – Colombia


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