Knowledge, attitudes and practices of the use of contraceptive methods in women of reproductive age.

Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas del uso de métodos anticonceptivos en mujeres en edad reproductiva.

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Objective: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices in the use of contraceptive methods in women of reproductive age in the Las Delicias neighborhood of the city of Duitama - Boyacá in the year 2021. Materials and methods: Quantitative descriptive - cross-sectional study, with a calculated sample of 88 women with convenience sampling, including women between 18 and 54 years old, applying the validated survey "Knowledge, attitudes and practices about contraceptive methods" and the statistical analysis was of univariate type using SPPS Software version 23. Results: The participants had an average age of 30.67 years (SD: 9.5), most of them had single marital status (48%; n: 43) and attended family planning programs (71.6%; n: 63). All stated that they knew the contraceptive methods (100%; n:88), however, 40% (n:36) were not clear about the adverse reactions of the pill; In addition, 43.1% (n:38) consider that when using the preservative they enjoy sexual intercourse less. In young women, the preference for short-term and hormonal methods predominates, unlike older women, where long-term or definitive methods predominated. Conclusions: Health professionals play an important role in family planning counseling by detecting the needs of women, strengthening education in sexual and reproductive rights, so that this population achieves the enjoyment of their sexual life by acquiring a comprehensive education. and with access to contraceptive methods.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Laura Alejandra Rojas-Rojas, Universidad de Boyacá. Tunja, Colombia

Enfermera, Universidad de Boyacá. Tunja – Colombia. ORCID E-mail:

Erika Marlen Pinto-Rosas

Enfermera, Especialista en Materno perinatal con apoyo familiar. Docente – Investigadora, Universidad de Boyacá. Tunja – Colombia. ORCID E-mail:

Monica Paola Quemba-Mesa, Universidad de Boyacá. Tunja, Colombia

Enfermera, Especialista en Epidemiología Clínica, Magister en Enfermería, Candidata a doctora en Bioética. Docente – Investigadora, Universidad de Boyacá. Tunja – Colombia. ORCID E-mail:


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