Clinical Characterization and Diagnostic Timeliness in patients of the Leprosy program- Norte de Santander- Colombia (2016-2021)

Caracterización Clínica y Oportunidad Diagnostica en pacientes del programa de Lepra- Norte de Santander (2016-2021)

Main Article Content

Sandra Milena Martínez-Rojas
Olga Marina Vega-Angarita
Dianne Sofia Gonzáles-Escobar
Gloria Omaira Bautista-Espinel
Daniel Gonzalo Eslava-Albarracín
Estela Rodríguez-Torres

Objective. To determine the diagnostic timeliness and clinical-demographic characteristics of patients enrolled in the Leprosy Control Program in Norte de Santander from 2016 to 2021. Methods. Descriptive, retrospective, quantitative approach study; in 185 new cases of patients with a diagnosis of leprosy, notified by the Departmental Institute of Health of Norte de Santander from 2016 to 2021. The information was obtained from epidemiological records and clinical records of patients with leprosy, a descriptive analysis was performed under absolute and relative frequencies. Results. The diagnostic opportunity was 2.4 years with the presence of grade I and grade II disability. The municipalities with the highest number of cases reported were Cúcuta, Ocaña, Villa del Rosario and Abrego, with a predominance of male patients aged 41-59 years. The type of insurance with the highest preponderance was the subsidized health system. At the clinical level, most cases were found in the multibacillary form, with lepromatous leprosy classification, with more than five lesions and treatment completed. Conclusions. Important information was obtained on the diagnostic opportunity and characterization that support the need to carry out actions related to the definition of policies aimed at those affected and the training of health personnel on the subject, with emphasis on the preventive approach, which favors early detection, timely treatment, and rehabilitation of those affected.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Sandra Milena Martínez-Rojas, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Cúcuta, Colombia

Enfermera Magister, Directora Departamento Clínico, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta, Colombia.

Olga Marina Vega-Angarita, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Cúcuta, Colombia

Doctora en Educación, Docente Investigadora, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta, Colombia.

Dianne Sofia Gonzáles-Escobar, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Cúcuta, Colombia

Enfermera, Magister, docente investigadora, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta, Colombia.

Gloria Omaira Bautista-Espinel, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Cúcuta, Colombia

Departamento de Promoción, portección y gestión docente tiempo completo programa de enfermería UFPS, Enfermera Magister en Dirección de proyectos, candidata a Doctor en Bioética

Daniel Gonzalo Eslava-Albarracín, Fundación Universitaria Cafam. Bogotá, Colombia

Doctor en Salud Pública, Asesor Médico – DAHW, Docente Investigador, Fundación Universitaria Cafam. Bogotá Colombia, E-mail:

Estela Rodríguez-Torres, Universidad Santiago de Cali. Cali, Colombia

Enfermera Magister, Docente Investigadora, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia, E-mail:


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