Methodological strategy for the teaching of the pythagorean theorem in the eighth grade of the institution monseñor Jaime Prieto Amaya

Estrategia metodológica para la enseñanza del teorema de Pitágoras en el grado octavo de la institución monseñor Jaime Prieto Amaya

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Henyi Maryan Gómez-Sánchez
Mawency Vergel-Ortega
Jhan Piero Rojas-Suárez

This experimental quantitative research with a descriptive approach, which was developed in a period of time of one year with the participation of the teacher of the mathematics area and a total of 100 students who were in grade 8, arose due to the difficulties that the students presented. students in the application of the Pythagorean theorem in everyday life.

Due to this, the need arose to propose methodological strategies for the contextualization of the teaching of the Pythagorean Theorem and in this way, achieve a better understanding regarding this concept; For this reason, it was investigated with the students from a pre - test of prior knowledge which allowed to show the rhythms and styles of learning.

After this search for information, it was possible to corroborate that the students felt more comfortable when classes were held outside the classroom; In this way, the activities were more experiential and significant, which made it possible to relate the Pythagorean theorem in a transversal way with areas such as physical education, in terms of the identification of the right triangle in different spaces of the court, measurements and distances; on the other hand, in relation to the artistic area in the formation of triangles the rectangles from origami and the way to find their measurements for the creation of these figures.

 The construction of this knowledge could be verified through the application of a post test which resulted in an improvement in the understanding of the practical use of the Pythagorean theorem in different contexts.



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