Inclusive mathematic in blind students: an alarming reality

La matemática inclusiva en estudiantes ciegos: una realidad alarmante

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Sergio Andres Sanchez-Villamizar
Raúl Alexander Fonseca-Palacios
Olga Lucy Rincón-Leal

Currently, institutions are making major changes in the educational system due to the high percentage of boys and girls with disabilities who wish to enter classrooms, recognizing that the state, educational institutions, and the agents involved in the process must provide and contribute to it; being a social responsibility for the incorporation and/or inclusion of the population with limitations. This article is the result of a research which focuses on the teaching-learning of mathematics in students with visual limitations who attend the ninth and tenth grades of secondary Basic Education, at the Guaimaral Technical Institute of San José de Cúcuta, This being a subject with a high degree of complexity in this type of population, whose main objectives are to characterize the population with limitations, to know the needs that students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) have in the area of mathematics, how they develop in the learning process, the tools used, the agents that are part of it, the attitudes and aptitudes of the students. The methodology used had a qualitative approach using the interview, which was applied to students with visual disabilities, teachers and guardians through direct observation and field diaries as means for collecting information, which allowed through categories, subcategories, Referents and syntheses used in triangulation characterize the population with visual disabilities, the context in which they operate, the people who are part of the process, the attitudes and aptitudes of students with SEN in the educational process.



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