La pasión de aprender: Un estudio correlacional entre los estilos de aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico

La pasión de aprender: Un estudio correlacional entre los estilos de aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico

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Jesús Yamid Redondo Remolina
The objective of this research work is to analyze what type of
relationship exists between learning styles and academic performance
in the tests known as 11, in middle school students in the city of Cúcuta.
This research is located within the positivist paradigm with a quantitative
approach and descriptive correlational design, the instrument Honey-
Alonso Questionnaire of Learning Styles (CHAEA) was used (and the
academic performance was measured with the results of the tests know
11. The sample There were 133 students of grade 11, belonging to the
best official institutions of the city, morning shift (category A +) .In
conclusion, it was determined that the active style presents a significant
association, of a negative nature, with the academic performance in the
tests know 11, of social and natural sciences at a level of significance
of 0.05 (bilateral) On the other hand, the academic performance in the
natural science test, presents significant association, with the reflective
and theoretical learning style, with a level of significance of 0.01
and 0.05 respectively, it is recommended to analyze other potentially
influential variables in the Academic performance, such as motivation,
pedagogical practices among others.


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