Reflexiones entorno a la investigación sobre la violencia de género desde las narrativas de investigadoras en formación

Reflexiones entorno a la investigación sobre la violencia de género desde las narrativas de investigadoras en formación

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Jennifer Oliveras Del Río
Jourdan Johnson
Deliane Rivera Peña
Elithet Silva Martínez
Gender violence among immigrants in Puerto Rico as well
as the processes of training in research in this field has been barely
studied. In this article, we present the narratives and reflection processes
of a group of researchers in training and their mentor on the realities of
life of immigrant women survivors of violence on the island. Using
qualitative research techniques based on intersectional feminism, the
researchers gathered reflections after working from the field space. The
exposed narratives were based on their critical analysis of the context
from which violence against women manifests itself using the Atlas.
ti program. Among the main categories are: multiple violence among
women, the stories shared among participants, workers and researchers
and the various lessons learned in research topics. These reflections
are contextualized in the capitalist, patriarchal system where violence
against women is perpetuated, context that we tie to theoretical-
methodological knowledge and experiences in the research scenario.
Recommendations towards training in social work research with women
are outlined from this analysis


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