Modernidad y Educación:

Modernidad y Educación: Una reflexión a propósito de sus legados y desafíos

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Juan Carlos Chaparro Rodríguez
Maritza Carolina Jaimes Márquez
Raúl Prada Núñez
The article describes and analyzes general and historical
aspects related to the process of configuration of modernity; it highlights
which were the postulates that in that context and in the framework of that
process were raised in relation to education; it vindicates the humanist
substrates of those postulates, and contrasts them with what is currently
happening in this matter. In this regard, it is argued that, nevertheless,
the temporal distance that separates us from that experience, in it we
can still find valuable elements that must allow us to think and reflect on
the problems that currently afflict us as a society and as an educational


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