Gobernanza y participación para el desarrollo de estudiantes como sujetos políticos

Gobernanza y participación para el desarrollo de estudiantes como sujetos políticos

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Edwin Fabian Mendoza Montañez
Juanita Rumierk Bravo
Maria Laura Rincon Gallardo
Zuleyma Martinez Contreras
The present text will be approached around the exercise of governance and its use as a tool for the development of students as political subjects, where it will be analyzed how participation contributes to the development of governance in students, taking part in the different theoretical postulates that allow its approach, advancing in the understanding of it in the Colombian educational context, recognizing the importance of the school as a trainer of citizen competencies in students and their political participation; In effect, it was carried out through a qualitative approach, with an explanatory level given that it seeks to respond to the cause of a social phenomenon by using the phenomenological method, since this allows for the analysis of the subject of study based on the reality that he or she lives, both internally and externally, since this reality lies in the way that the subject lives and perceives the phenomenon; Finally, it will be understood that the model of governance is important for participatory political education in students from school, being the first educational context where the ideologies and subjectivities that will govern people throughout their lives are formed


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