Learning Ecosystem in Virtual Education. A Theoretical Contribution For the University Context

Ecosistema de Aprendizaje en la Educación Virtual. un Aporte Teórico para el Contexto Universitario

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Carlos Luis Gómez Valderrama

The object of the investigation was to build a theoretical framework for the virtual education learning ecosystem in the university context of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) - Instituto de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio (IMPM). Methodologically, it begins in the interpretative paradigm based on a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method. The key informants are shaped by teachers and scholars, and are used in the semi-structured interview for the
collection of data. In the results it is found that a basic characteristic of the eco-systems of learning in development is its capacity for self-organization, stands out for its constant adaptation or development of evolution both of the dynamic learning mechanisms and the dynamic learning mechanisms. We are aware that these are separated from each other by its interdependence in virtual education. It is concluded that the learning ecosystem is self-regulating, in this sense, the populations of its living components are growing or are reduced to strategic decisions that are taken in line with the vision and mission of the organization



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