She Road population and their pets: challenges for pedagogical support from public policy in Bogotá
Población carretera y sus animales de compañía: desafíos para el acompañamiento pedagógico desde la política pública en Bogotá
Main Article Content
This article refers to the investigative development of a project that is limited between the NEST Seedbed of the University of La Salle and the District Institute of Animal Protection and Welfare - IDPYBA of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, based on the institutional need to identify the characteristics of the road population in two locations of the city and the needs of their pets, with the purpose of developing future strategies for strengthening, monitoring and pedagogical support in favor of animal well-being. In this context, the objective of the investigation is to characterize the road population and their companion animals in the towns of Kennedy and Los Martires; methodologically oriented as a mixed study, supported by observation and survey techniques, applied to said population that has companion animals of various species under its care. At the level of the main findings of the research, it was identified regarding the road population that 40% is a Venezuelan migrant population and the remaining Colombian population from different regions of the country; As for the animal species with the greatest ownership on a scale from largest to smallest, they are canines, felines, roosters and chickens; And regarding the bond they establish at an interspecies level, they consider their animals as members of the family, where especially the dogs are the ones who accompany them in their daily work touring the city. The above defines the main challenges of public policy in the city, for the pedagogical approach to be carried out with the road population in order to guarantee their rights and that of pets
Article Details
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