Music: Reflections on its power of socioeconomic transformation.

La música: reflexiones sobre su poder de transformación socioeconómico.

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Jonathan Daniel Gómez Zapata

Music is one of the most important cultural expressions of human beings, as an intrinsic manifestation of their creativity, emotion, sensitivity and beauty. Moreover, music is not only a form of human manifestation, but also allows the construction of identity to the extent that individuals recognize themselves as part of a specific context and community; in this way, music can have implications in the social and cultural configuration, as well as economic effects in the territories. The objective of this reflection article is to propose music as a human need based on four dimensions that configure it and contribute to the socio-economic transformation of the territories, these are: Cognitive Development, Social and Civic Value, Aesthetics of Being and Self-recognition. As a complement to these reflections, some data from the Survey of Cultural Consumption in Colombia are included, which show the behavior of the population with respect to musical activities. In conclusion, musical training and practice are valuable intervention tools that contribute to improving the well-being of communities.



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