La angustia, principio de posibilidad del conocimiento
La angustia, principio de posibilidad del conocimiento
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- mainly in Kierkegaard – as a principle of possibility in the production of knowledge.
The philosopher to work defines the anguish as the fear that comes from nothing. The
approach to this concept was made from the development of the categories of lack,
remorse, repentance, freedom and guilt. Research facilitates to understand the moment
of choice of the individual upon knowing, which can lead to structural changes in their
representation about how the role of the same in the production of knowledge from
guilt is addressed. Research makes it easier to understand the moment of choice of the
individual when it is known, which can lead to structural changes in their representation
about how the role of the same in the production of knowledge from guilt is addressed
Article Details
Kierkegaard, Søren. (1946). El Concepto de la Angustia. Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe.
Chestov, León. (1965) “Kierkegaard y la filosofía existencial”. Traducción Ferrater Mora. Cap. VII. Buenos Aires Sudamericana.
Schlick, Moritz. (2002). Filosofía de la Naturaleza. Traducción y notas, José Luís González Recio. Madrid: Encuentro S.A.
Kierkegaard, Søren. (1962). Diario de un seductor. Tomo I. Brescia: Morcelliana,
Castorina, José. (2003). Representacione s Sociales: Problemas teóricos y conocimientos infantiles. Barcelona: GEDISA, S.A.