Factores Incidentes en la Participación de la Mujer en el Mercado Laboral Hondureño, 2013

Factores Incidentes en la Participación de la Mujer en el Mercado Laboral Hondureño, 2013

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Kenia Maryorie Meza-Hernández
José Bayardo Cabrera-Rosales
Mario Josué Ramos-Canales

This article presents the topic of the labor participation of women in Honduras; in 2013, women represented 52.8% of the working-age population and 36.5% of the economically active population (EAP). The article indicates the importance of female insertion in the labor market, that’s why an analysis of the factors that affect their participation is carried out. The main objective of the study is to determine the incidence of relevant variables in the insertion of women within the Economically Active Population (EAP). In addition, a descriptive analysis of the situation of women in the Honduran labor market is carried out. The research is a quantitative one; a linear regression model is performed to determine the probability of insertion of women in the labor market.

The model determined that among the negatively impacting factors are marital status, if the female is poor and if she receives family remittances; While, the age, the educational level, the branch of activity in which she performs and if she is a head of household keep a positive relation in the possible insertion in the lines of the active population, nevertheless, the zone or domain where she resides and if she receives transfers of the government showed little significance in the study.



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