Un modelo matemático sobre dinámica de virus con respuesta cito-tóxica tipo presa-predador

Un modelo matemático sobre dinámica de virus con respuesta cito-tóxica tipo presa-predador

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Eduardo Ibargüen-Mondragón
Jhoana Patricia Romero-Leitón
Sandra Patricia Hidalgo-Bonilla

In the past 20 years mathematical modeling applied to immunology (mathematical immunology) has grown rapidly, especially in the study of population dynamics at the cellular level which is of the great interest to the scientific community. In this sense, Martin A. Nowak and Robert M. May have extensive experience and have contributed significantly in this type of modeling. In this paper we wish to acknowledge their trajectory presenting the qualitative analysis of one of their basic models. It should be noted that this analysis does not appear in the original text published by them.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Eduardo Ibargüen-Mondragón, Universidad de Nariño

Dpto. de Matemáticas y Estadísti.

Jhoana Patricia Romero-Leitón, Universidad de Antioquia

Instituto de Matemáticas

Sandra Patricia Hidalgo-Bonilla, Universidad de Nariño

Departamento. de Química.

Jane Heffernan, Beni Sahai, Robert Smith, ‘Mathematical Immunology of Infectious Diseases’. May 17, 2009, preprint.

Lawrance Perko, ‘DifferentialEquations and DynamicalSystems’, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.

Martin A. Nowak and Robert M. May, ‘Virus dynamics: Mathematical principles of immunology and virology’, Oxford UniversityPress, New York, 2000.

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Steven A. Frank, ‘Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Desease’, Princeton UniversityPress, New Jersey, 2002.

Yoram Louzoun, ‘The evolution of mathematical immunology’, Immunological Reviews 2007 Vol. 216: 9–20, 2007.

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