Biodiversity characterization of the middle Catatumbo area, Norte de Santander

Caracterización de la biodiversidad de la zona del Catatumbo medio, Norte de Santander

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Carmen Liceth García-Quintero

Biologicaldiversity has been recognized nationally and internationally as a key element inthe development of conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Therefore their knowledge, quantification and analysis is crucial for understanding the natural world and the changes induced by human activity.

University Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña Branch, inpartnership with the Research lnstitute Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources conducted thecharacterization of biodiversity intheareaof Catatumbo half (municipalities Convencion, to El Tarra municipality - N.deS), includingthe recognition and classification ofwildlife ichthyic, omithological, entomological and mammalogists in the middle of Catatumbo. Besides the botanical characterization of the basin area of Catatumbo half. For this the project: "CHARACTERIZATION OF BIODIVERSITY INTHE AREA OF CATATUMBO MEDIUM (N de S), which is discussed in this article.



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