Selección y uso de la información como competencia genérica en la formación profesional de Ingenieros de Sistemas

Selección y uso de la información como competencia genérica en la formación profesional de Ingenieros de Sistemas

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Luis Anderson Coronel-Rojas

Generic competitions have become increasingly popular in the current educational field. In fact, they are considered by numerous higher education institutions when structuring their educational programs, as well as advocated in extensive academic work. However, thus far, not enough research reports demonstrating these competitions as indeed suited to higher education exist. University graduates do not seem sufficiently prepared for real-life challenges: they lack the skills needed to organize, take risks, and go beyond what was taught in class, tailoring their knowledge to new situations, especially in cases of correctly choosing the information necessary in order to make an informed decision. Accordingly, this article presents the results of a study published by students in their first and last semester of Systems Engineering at the University of Francisco de Paula Santander, Ocaña. The study examines the link between the ability to successfully select and use information with the evaluation of a certain skillset. Specifically, it seeks to investigate the way the students enter such a competition based on the perceptions of their teachers and peers. The results include the analysis of inductive subcategories, such as the gathering, classification and evaluation of relevant information and their ability to relay it through the appropriate channels, as well as their proficiency in information technology. Overall, the students assert that this competition is important for their education, and recognize their efficiency in selecting and classifying information, as well as their creativity the means by which they convey it, and the skills they have been able to successfully adapt during their education program However, they also recognize there are still points that require improvement-




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