Concepciones y modelos subyacentes en la práctica pedagógica de los docentes cuyo desempeño es el mejor evaluado por estudiantes universitarios

Concepciones y modelos subyacentes en la práctica pedagógica de los docentes cuyo desempeño es el mejor evaluado por estudiantes universitarios

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Libia Villamizar-González

The way teachers utilize their teaching methods has a strong impact on the teaching-learning process. Therefore, teachers who perform better in the classroom create the optimal conditions for learning from a critical natural environment, in which the teachers may apply their skills to employ teaching skills that utilize the information they want to teach, so that students may find their lessons more appealing. Nevertheless, students tend to easily identify which of their professors teach with greater effort and effectiveness. Accordingly, the central objective of this study was to characterize the teaching practices of the UFPS professor’s which scored highest on the students’ evaluations. The investigation was consistent with the qualitative paradigm, for which a descriptive case study design was used. The research subjects were five teachers (one from each faculty) and forty-three of their students. There were two techniques used to collect data: semi-structured interviews and hearsay, both concerning the perceptions that teachers and students have about teaching methods. The findings of the research demonstrate that the methods of the teachers with the more positive student evaluations are characterized by discipline, planning and commitment. The study also identified that all the teachers, on both a theoretical and educational level, did not stick to any particular pedagogical model. It also found that the attributes, as recognized by the students, of a good teacher, are punctuality, responsibility, being committed, disciplined and having a determined teaching approach. In conclusion, the students’ high ratings of their teachers are founded in both the adjustibility and the student-teacher relationship.




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