Efecto del uso de la herramienta “realidad aumentada” en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Educación Básica

Efecto del uso de la herramienta “realidad aumentada” en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Educación Básica

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José David López-García
Deidy Gutiérrez-Niño

The understanding of natural phenomena, the characteristics of contexts and spatio-temporal relationships, can be affected when resources and materials are not used and innovative spaces are used that adapt to the demands of students during the didactic development of curriculum programs. Due to its great richness and complexity, the subject of the natural regions of Colombia is one of the contents for whose understanding the students present recurrently serious difficulties. Motivated by this situation, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the implementation of the Augmented Reality (AR) tool on the academic performance of basic education students. Regarding the methodology, it is part of a quasi-experimental study, which started with a search for information, direct observation and application of entrance and exit tests to students organized in two work groups (experimental and control). The context of the study was the Virginia Gutierrez de Pineda School, located in the city of Bogotá - Colombia. It was found that the students of the experimental group showed significant learning, assimilated the theoretical information more easily and improved the results in the exit test with respect to the entrance test. Based on these results, it is recommended to invest economic resources, time and personnel for training in augmented reality technologies and design of teaching materials that optimize the learning processes in students.



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