Resultados de las pruebas de bachillerato en Ecuador

Resultados de las pruebas de bachillerato en Ecuador

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Eduardo Fabara Garzón
The evaluation of the results of an educational system is a
great need in all countries since it allows to identify the positive aspects
of the educational process and those that need improvement. In Ecuador,
as a result of the issuance of a new educational legislation along with
the creation of the National Institute of Educational Evaluation, the
evaluation process in the baccalaureate tests results has taken place since
2015; it has allowed to identify both, the schools where students have
reached the highest tests scores as well as the institutions geographical
location. This study analyzes the situation of the schools where the
participants obtained the highest tests results in 2016 compared to what
was achieved in 2015. In this document the institutions are identified
according to their type and funding sources. The score averages obtained
by the pupils in each school in these tests and the school location are also
described in comparison with the universe and the number of students
that took the evaluation


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