Dominio afectivo de los estudiantes de educación media hacia las matemáticas

Dominio afectivo de los estudiantes de educación media hacia las matemáticas

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Lizeth Camila Duarte Sepúlveda
Nataly Ricardo Quiñones
Laura Vanessa Santos López
Mathematics is fundamental in the school curriculum, being
a compulsory subject for all educational levels, which contributes to the
development of logical thinking and mathematical thinking of students.
For this reason, it is proposed to relate the affective domain that middle
school students have to mathematics with academic performance in
the area. To do this, the beliefs of the students of secondary education
towards mathematics are first determined. Followed by, describe the
emotions that middle school students have towards mathematics. To
finally, identify the attitudes that middle school students present towards
mathematics. The work is carried out in a period of six months, at the
Misael Pastrana Borrero Educational Institution in Cúcuta, Norte de
Santander. The investigation is of correlative type. The population to
develop the project was taken into account the students of the Misael
Pastrana Borrero School belonging to the central headquarters, which
offers the educational service from sixth to eleventh grade in a single
day and is made up of 800 students. In this investigation the sample
will be taken for convenience, since probabilistic sampling is not done
but, it will be applied to all students of tenth and eleventh grade of the
Misael Pastrana Borrero headquarters. Information is collected from a
questionnaire submitted to expert judgment and adapted to the context
for that purpose. The data is processed through Microsoft Office tools
and the SPSS program. The information obtained establishes that the
affective domain that the students have towards mathematics is positive
and their academic performance was good, also it is found that there is
a possible relationship in some aspects of the affective domain with the
academic performance of the students


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