Representations in young students: a reading from sexuality

Representaciones sociales en jóvenes escolarizados: una lectura desde la sexualidad Social

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Jennys Yecenia Yances Padilla
Isabel Alicia Sierra Pineda
The theory of social representations is not only interested in investigating the concepts or cognitive structures of the subjects, on the contrary, their interest is focused on investigating how certain social practices allow the configuration of that representation and is based on the configuration of experiences and experiences of the actors in particular contexts. This article presents the results of extensive research that sought to identify the representations that young people who have been educated about sexuality have in three institutions of secondary education in the city of Montería - Colombia. The methodological horizon was structured from the qualitative - hermeneutical approach and the focus group was used as information gathering techniques. The results show that a large part of the social representations of the participants emphasize issues such as family planning, early pregnancy, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and health care


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