Comprender la educación inclusiva al margen del ámbito clínico: una reflexión crítica para el caso colombiano

Comprender la educación inclusiva al margen del ámbito clínico: una reflexión crítica para el caso colombiano

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Manuel Arturo Ordóñez Santos

Inclusive education systems offer a higher quality education for children and youth, which is essential to change segregationist attitudes. However, in Colombia, inclusive education is largely perceived as something that affects only students with disabilities, a problem that puts other vulnerable groups at a disadvantage. Therefore, this article aims to develop a critical reflection on a new model of integration of inclusive education that includes the different dimensions of the school process, both the governmental regulatory guidelines and the processes of cooperation between local actors.

For this analysis a broad definition of the concept of "educational inclusion" was taken into account, whose characteristics are not limited to the provision of educational resources for people with disabilities or learning disabilities, orienting such definition to the importance of "otherness" as a fundamental practice in educational environments and taking into account that students' identities are influenced by contextual factors such as school climate, educators' perceptions, racism, power, privilege and oppressive structures



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Beltrán, Y., Martínez, Y. & Vargas, A. (2015). El sistema educativo colombiano en el camino hacia la inclusión. Avances y retos. Educación y Educadores, 18(1), 62–75. DOI:

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