Theoretical perspectives on the teaching of World Languages in the United States

Theoretical perspectives on the teaching of World Languages in the United States

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Allison Tarwater Reeves
Nhora S. Gómez-Saxon
Aida C. Durán

The importance of bilingualism as a result of globalization, in both the adoption of international education policies and in the skills required of the 21st century citizen, demands that second language teachers constantly reflect on their most effective teaching practices to best serve the needs of the post pandemic students. What are the most effective methods for teaching World Languages? How does one transition from passive learning -which lacks communicative results- to active learning, with a communicative approach, and based on real world situations? The answers point to student-centered instruction, study plans relevant to the environment, systematic use of ICT, and active pedagogies that develop the skills of knowing how to be, do, learn and live together. The objective of this article is to reflect on second language education methodologies as well as the need to include playful and project-based learning, two cooperative teaching methodologies that become relevant in the post-pandemic, as part of students' social-emotional support within the language classroom.



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