Las pruebas de fluidez lectora como estrategia para mejorar la comprensión de lectura en estudiantes de grado cuarto de la Institución Educativa el Bosque

Las pruebas de fluidez lectora como estrategia para mejorar la comprensión de lectura en estudiantes de grado cuarto de la Institución Educativa el Bosque

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Sandra Lorena Pinilla Roa
Elssy Yamile Moreno Pérez
Astrid Viviana Rodríguez Sierra

Reading comprehension from the beginning of the human being is an acquired and learned skill that encourages day after day to improve the use of the language and to strengthen comprehension for an improvement of cognitive results at a general level.

This research proposes to determine the effectiveness of reading fluency tests in the results of comprehension in fourth-grade students in the morning session of the “Institución Educativa el Bosque” of the municipality of Soacha, bearing in mind that, given the institutional pedagogical practices, these are children who are in the constant exercise of analyzing to develop argumentative and interpretative tasks in search of constant solutions.

As a proposal to develop comprehension and analyze the results obtained, a didactic unit was designed where reading fluency tests were adapted, aimed at working on the levels of textual comprehension; initially applying a pretest that determines the initial comprehension levels of the participants, followed by the application of the didactic unit, applied as a stimulus to the experimental group, to finally and using a post-test, determine the effectiveness of the fluency tests, in the improvement of comprehension; comparing the initial results with the final ones.

The work was inscribed in a quantitative methodological approach employing a process where variables and hypotheses were determined and a plan of action was determined with the student, having as an advantage that they are in the same age, schooling, and similar intellectual conditions for being in the same context; it was analyzed that all recorded repeated reading showed more comprehension and fluency in them, having features and time spent, this response allowed to determine the performance achieved by each child in each of their levels of understanding, which showed that the more fluency tests are applied the better their performance in the levels of understanding and recognition and coding of words allow more accuracy, intonation speed, which help to improve the automaticity of reading, facilitating the process of giving meaning to the information of texts.



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