Teacher and difference: among experiences, ruptures, and encounters

Maestro y diferencia: entre experiencias, rupturas y encuentros

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Oliva Patiño Cuervo
Liliana Andrea Mariño
Daniela Patiño Cuervo

The article presents the results of a research that aimed to analyze the interactions between the teacher-intercessor and a student diagnosed with Asperger's. The research approach is qualitative, through a case study analysis. The research approach is qualitative, through case study analysis. Three methodological moments were developed: the preparatory, comprised the construction of the theoretical foundations of the categories Asperger, teacher and interrelations in the school context; the recognition of the case, for which semi-structured interviews were conducted with key teachers in the formation of the student and an in-depth interview was applied to one of the teachers who created the educational institution in which the interactions are developed, self-described as an educational possibility for the difference. Finally, the information was systematized and analyzed using the ATLAS.ti qualitative data processing software. The results showed that the role of the teacher-intercessor is given through experience, difference and crisis



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