Contexto de la educación financiera en las fuerzas armadas de Colombia
Context of financial education in the armed forces of Colombia
Main Article Content
The purpose of this article is to encourage the professional community, especially police officers in Colombia, to reflect on personal financial practices and to analyze the relationship between inadequate economic habits and professional performance. In this sense, a quantitative paradigm with a descriptive and a relational phase is used, according to a survey applied to 1,233 policemen located in the Colombian regions of Santander, Norte de Santander, Arauca and Magdalena Medio, which contrasts the variables of financial education, personal finances and indebtedness. Likewise, it is identified that police officers have overcome a basic stage of financial literacy; however, a national strategy is required to strengthen this area of knowledge from police schools. On the other hand, it is established that police officers understand the risks of high indebtedness and it is detected that a high percentage of police officers have debits or over indebtedness. In addition, it was determined that their savings capacity is limited due to the financial demands generated by their work in places other than their residence.
Article Details
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