Perceptions of teachers of child development centers in Bogotá

Percepciones de los docentes de los centros de desarrollo infantil en Bogotá

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Ana María Villa Ortiz
John Jairo Briceño Martínez
Fredy Ramon Garay Garay

The perceptions of the initial education guidelines of 18.80% (n=176) of the teachers of the Child Development Centers (CDI) that attend early childhood in Bogotá are identified. These teachers belong to 15 CDI (chosen at random) of the 69 registered by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) in Bogotá in 2018. The implemented instrument consists of 17 multiple-choice items with a single answer, validated by expert criteria. It is identified that there is a lack of clarity on some aspects of the initial education guidelines (early childhood generalities; initial education and quality standards of the pedagogical component of initial education); however, in most of the items there are answers considered correct that demonstrate that the participants have solid knowledge of the issues investigated with the instrument. The study is limited to identifying aspects that belong to specific elements of the initial education policy, however, it is important because it offers us information on what a CDI teacher should know in what to do



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