Difficulties and errors in solving simple additive type problems

Dificultades y errores en la resolución de problemas de tipo aditivo simple

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Lucy Mercedes Moreno Pantoja
Jessica Alejandra Banguera Ortíz
Luis Felipe Martínez Patiño

This article is derived from a study whose objective is to identify the difficulties and errors that fifth grade students of the Libertad Municipal Educational Institution face when solving additive type problems, focusing on the first three categories of additive relationships proposed by Vergnaud (1991). The research adopted a mixed approach because it combined qualitative and quantitative methods. In the qualitative aspect, a detailed identification of the errors and difficulties in the students' resolution strategies and responses was carried out. On the other hand, in the quantitative approach, the entire population chosen for the study, composed of 32 students, was approached and statistical techniques were applied to analyze the collected data. To gather the necessary information, three problem questionnaires were administered, one for each of the additive relationships in question. As a result, a number of common errors were identified, including problems related to improper subtraction processing, use of incorrect operation, unconventional placement of subtraction terms, among others. Difficulties in understanding the statement, poor positional placement and alteration of the data provided in the statement were also observed. Based on the analysis of the identified errors, we continued with the characterization of the underlying difficulties that caused them. Consequently, this study provides significant data that can be used to improve mathematical problem solving skills, particularly those of an additive type. Knowledge of these difficulties and errors contributes to optimizing the teaching and learning process of mathematics, allowing us to more effectively address the specific challenges that students face in this crucial aspect of their academic training



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