Alternative mechanisms for conflict resolution in Educational Institutions of Villanueva, La Guajira

Mecanismos alternos de resolución de Conflictos en Instituciones Educativas de Villanueva, La Guajira.

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Tatiana Carolina Blanchar Martinez
Nerys Esther Martinez Trujillo

Alternative conflict resolution mechanisms are a fundamental tool for resolving disputes peacefully, which is why it is essential to address them from an early age in order to generate a culture of peace that lasts over time. This article presents evidence of the results of a qualitative research that had the purpose of establishing the alternative conflict resolution mechanisms used by teachers of educational institutions in the municipality of Villanueva, La Guajira. The methodology was approached from a qualitative approach, guided by the method of educational action, which allowed us to propose practical and concrete strategies to address a specific problem or situation in the educational field. Regarding the results and their analysis, they were carried out using the Atlas.ti 7 software, with a non-probabilistic sample. The findings that the research showed in the application of the in-depth interview and focus groups is the direct relationship that exists between the teaching of alternative conflict resolution mechanisms and the way in which students resolve their controversies, giving rise to that lack of knowledge regarding conciliation and mediation allows students, before going to dialogue, to resort to physical or verbal aggression impulsively. On the other hand, through the application of instruments it was possible to know the lack of implementation of conflict promotion and prevention strategies within the framework of school coexistence established by law 1620 of 2013.



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