Physics, Environment and Environmental Education; Perceptions from trainee Natural Science teachers

Física, Ambiente y Educación Ambiental; Percepciones desde los docentes de Ciencias Naturales en formación

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Daniel Alejandro Valderrama
Marlon Damian Garzón Velasco
Lina Paola Alfonso Chaparro

Abstract: Environmental Education (EE) is vital for shaping citizens who understand and value sustainability as an epistemological and practical alternative to mitigate current environmental issues. This research was prompted by the exploration of the relationship between EE and the physical sciences, connections that are often overlooked in curriculums and in the teaching processes of both this science and EE. It is essential to emphasize that physics provides conceptual frameworks and methodological tools that can enhance the understanding of environmental phenomena from a broad and multidimensional perspective. To delve into these connections, a study with a hermeneutic interpretative nuance was conducted. Through a questionnaire, the perceptions of prospective teachers in the natural sciences field regarding this topic were gathered. The findings revealed that a significant number of them recognize and value the correlation between physics and EE. From their perspective, this linkage is not only crucial for a comprehensive view of environmental dynamics but also to encourage students to develop critical, articulated, and well-founded thinking about environmental balance. The research also highlighted the didactic opportunities presented when intertwining physics with EE. By associating physical concepts with real environmental issues, learning can be reinforced, making it meaningful and enduring over time. This interdisciplinary fusion also holds the potential to increase students' motivation and interest, fostering a more active and engaged attitude in their educational journey.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Daniel Alejandro Valderrama, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Boyaca, Colombia

Daniel Alejandro Valderrama; Master in Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Bachelor in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC). He currently works as a teacher in the areas of foundation in physics and astronomy didactics in the Bachelor's Degree in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education UPTC, Researcher in the groups; Waira, Environment, Community and Development, co-founder of the Physics and Education Research Group (FIED), member of the Research Group in Astrophysics and Cosmology UPTC, member of the Office of Astronomy for Education Colombia (OAE) and the National Coordinating Team NAEC, is a member of the Association of Astronomers of Colombia AstroCo and is the founder of the Network for the teaching of astronomy AstrodidaXis. His research focuses on the didactics and teaching of astronomy, as well as on didactic innovation in the natural sciences, particularly physics.


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