Artistic expression and emotions in the classroom: painting as a medium for school coexistence

Expresión artística y emociones en el aula: la pintura como medio para la convivencia escolar.

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Andry Faisury Pabón Rodríguez
Diego Alejandro Botero Urquijo

This text explores how painting in the classroom can create a safe and welcoming school environment, allow students to express their emotions creatively, and develop conflict resolution skills. The study is based on a socio-critical paradigm and a qualitative approach. Participatory action research methodology was used with 4th and 5th grade students from the Alejandro Gutiérrez Calderón Educational Institution, San Juan Bosco campus. This work evidences the results of painting workshops with the students through data systematization using field diaries, interviews, and analysis of artistic creations. The results suggest that painting is an effective tool for students to express their emotions and improve school coexistence. The study demonstrates that artistic expression, specifically painting, improves school coexistence. Artistic interventions are valuable for addressing emotional and social challenges in the educational field. Therefore, it is recommended to integrate artistic practices into education to promote harmonious and constructive coexistence among students.



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