A Look at the Social Aspects and the Colombian Legal Framework of Non-Binary Gender Persons

Una Mirada a los Aspectos Sociales y al Marco Jurídico Colombiano de las personas de género no binario.

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Andres Antonio Alarcon Lora
Daniel José Jiménez Romero
German José Cortes Gómez

People of non-binary gender have been historically denied and invisibilized by society and in an evident manner by the Colombian State and all its entities at the national and territorial levels, this has given rise to a scenario in which public policies and the regulatory system have not been developed in an efficient, propitious and accurate manner, generating that the national legal system is developed without their participation and representation, thus giving rise to a great invisibilization of this population sector.  It is for this reason that this article seeks to make an accurate analysis of the Colombian legal framework related to the instruments promoted by the legislature and the executive in order to achieve the protection of the fundamental rights of people of non-binary gender, bringing to mention the current regulations, administrative decrees and jurisprudence of the honorable Constitutional Court of Colombia, all this will be done through the use of methodological tools of qualitative nature, which help to understand correctly and respectfully the historical context in which these rules are given. This is the reason why this article will focus on the human rights of people of non-binary gender, cis-normativity as one of the biggest problems in Colombia, and the normative regulation of the LGTBIQ+ community and people of non-binary gender as subjects of special constitutional protection, where analyzed the above, it is detailed that the regulations used by the Colombian State are relatively new, it is a step to start, however, there are many more to be detailed and established for non-binary gender people to fully enjoy their fundamental rights.



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