Uncertainty in the work of joan carles mélich: rethinking ethics and Education

Incertidumbre en la obra de joan carles mélich: repensando la ética y la Educación

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José Federico Agudelo Torres
Néstor Alejandro Alzate Lora
Mayerly Llanos Redondo

One of the key concepts in the work of the Spanish philosopher Joan-Carles Mèlich is uncertainty, which has a wide spectrum of interpretations. The aim of this article is to understand the meanings that are present in the work of this author, referring precisely to this concept and how it is understood from the ethical and educational fields. The methodology was based on a qualitative model with an approach close to the documentary review. Among the main findings, it is noted that one of the main concerns of Joan-Carles Mèlich's work is to show how what we call the West is crossed by a metaphysical heritage, which has had repercussions in all areas of thought, as it has created absolutist visions of reality. Likewise, it becomes evident that the work of this contemporary thinker tends towards the need to transform this heritage through the resignification of the concept of uncertainty as a response to the existing stakes in absolutist narratives. In these logics, uncertainty becomes a valuable bet and a worthy bet to access new meanings and new configurations of the ethical and educational spheres. The challenge of education tends then to prevent the replication of totalitarianisms, as it exhorts to think about the mobility and finitude that dwells in the concept of uncertainty.



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